How To Love – 비스트 Beast Guitar Tab

First post of the year. It’s not a recent song, but one that I’ve had in archive for quite some time: “How To Love” by Beast from their second studio album, Hard to Love, How to Love.

The album was released in 2013, and also included songs like Shadow and 괜찮겠니. Quite a good album, and I actually have the guitar chords for half the songs in the album figured out – just that I haven’t quite got around to putting them properly together.

Composed and written by Beast’s Junhyun and his songwriting partner Tae Joo, the lyrics are a perceptive take on falling in love.



Listen to the song:

And here are the English translation of the lyrics:

How To Love

How to love, how special are we?
How to love, I still don’t know how to love

This isn’t a test, why do we keep trying to critique and give each other a score?
Are blood types even important for having similar tastes? I don’t know
Just love, it’s not artificial, it’s being attracted by natural feelings
It’s like being pulled to each other like magnets, isn’t it?
The moment you start to calculate, it becomes fake

Love, not just a meaningless relationship
If this is just to take up time, I won’t do it
If there’s time to calculate and put together this and that
I want to look at your eyes once more and smile

I would like to just look at you, just spend time with you
Even if it doesn’t give us anything

Woo baby tell me, how to love
Open up your closed heart, empty the thoughts filled in your head
How to love, it’s okay if the scars are still there
Because we’ll be happy the moment we love

How to love, love, love, love, love, love, love
I love you but sometimes I think of breaking up without even knowing everything about each other
How to love, love, love, love, love, love, love
I will slowly try to fit in with you more
So that we can walk to the same place, how to love

I met other people beside you but
Every time, as if it’s natural, I went through a break up

I thought something like love would never come again
(But you came to me) you appeared before me

That is why I don’t want to lose you, yeah
I hope there’s no end to this path that we’re walking on

I want you to give me that same kind of trust
Stop thinking about other things, being happy makes us busy enough

Woo baby tell me, how to love
Open up your closed heart, empty the thoughts filled in your head
How to love, it’s okay if the scars are still there
Because we’ll be happy the moment we love

How to love, how special are we?
How to love, I still don’t know how to love

How to love, what do you think of me?
It’s still so hard, this thing called love

Woo baby tell me, how to love
Open up your closed heart, empty the thoughts filled in your head
How to love, it’s okay if the scars are still there
Because we’ll be happy the moment we love

How to love, love, love, love, love, love, love
I love you but sometimes I think of breaking up without even knowing everything about each other
How to love, love, love, love, love, love, love
I will slowly try to fit in with you more
So that we can walk to the same place, how to love

Source: pop!gasa (with slight modifications by me)

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